Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Sunday post. What am I, crazy?

huh, look at the sunday blogpost won't you? - weird.  You're not supposed to blog on a sunday, its an unspoken blogging rule (aka, so few people reads blogs on the weekend so it is kindof wasted effort.)

I mean WHO in their right mind blogs on the weekend?

Risk takers.  that's who.
i'm bringing sunday back (a la Justin and Sexy).

Know what other risks I took?  Oh, auditioning, interviewing and competing in a design competition reality show.  Thems a big risk.  But truth be told (beware, wisdom might be bestowed in this next sentence, i'm feeling sentimental right now) life does not get more interesting without taking risks.  You know how I know this?  Because 2 1/2 years ago when Brian and I decided to move to LA from New York and I was feeling sad/tortured/unconsolable, my friend Megan reminded me that if you let life stay the same (even if you think you are happy) your life with probably stay the same (not necessarily a bad thing).  But if you take risks, life is guaranteed to get more interesting.

For the first year in LA, i was like 'yep this is more interesting, alright, if you consider crying-everyday-because-you-miss-your-friends-the city-and-career-so-much 'interesting', but lo and behold she was right.  And it's not just 'cause of this show.  It's because of two good old things I like to call 'friends that feel like family' and work.  Boom. that's all it took, thank god.

Design Star starts tonight.  Woah.  Watch it with me please?  and remember that despite what everyone that has ever met me unanimously says about me, I, Emily Henderson, am not perfect.  i know, i know, you don't believe it and I don't blame you.  But you'll see.  far from it.

Come back tomorrow for a review with some behind the scenes insight - or maybe not insight, maybe just some apologies.  I'm hoping that I don't have to apologize to my now-friends/fellow designers, but who the eff knows what I said.   We'll see in like 8 hours, won't we.


  1. I actually blog on the weekend because I am addicted. I came here from MFAMB. Thank god one of you turds has a sense of humor! So happy we have someone normal on the inside!

    My bets are on you!

  2. I'm so hoping I see you for many weeks to come on Design Star!

  3. Yeah! You did it babe! And you were so stinkin' cute. Can't wait til next week's episode!

  4. Yeah!! So glad you'll still be on for more episodes!
    (i came here from MFAMB....)

  5. Does anyone know if HGTV will have whole episodes of it online? I can only find clips. We don't have cable. We also don't even have a TV at all right now, but that part is temporary.

  6. I am glad you are on the show! I definitely felt for you as you were trying to make things perfect and over edited yourself - I do that too. And I LOVED your hosting video - you definitely deserve to be there and I look forward to next week. :)

  7. Good job! It didn't look easy to be under such intense scrutiny in the very first episode, but I thought you handled yourself very well. You are very likeable on the show, which is rare for reality television. I'm glad you'll be returning to the second episode!

  8. you were the most interesting person on there b/c you were the only one really seemed to be acting like yourself

  9. Emily, thanks SO much for this post. I've just accepted a job in another city, and I've been struggling with it, but reading this has made me feel better. You're right - big changes keep life interesting.

    I watched the show last night (had to DVR it) and I thought you were great! Can't wait to see more.

  10. I like to sit and stare, too. It usually works great! If you had had more time....



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